For some years now I have used Jeremy’s services, having found that as extreme age leaves technology lagging yet more, so a vibrant skill like his is ever more useful. Nor is his skill limited to the technology itself, for he has no fear of the evil forces working these days to cause so much distress to us all. So that an email fraudster who says that he gets all of your emails and will post vile things about you unless you pay … Jeremy first dismisses, then with another key click, reports as (a ‘phisher’). Never to be heard from again.

At a more workaday level, however, Jeremy is swift to understand difficulties. ‘Links’ and so on, and interfering pop-ups, he dispels, cutting through declarations like, ‘this cannot be done’, until moments later, the requirement is not only done, but signed and sealed for the future.

As for the method of doing things, something as vital as regularly backing-up work done (and time spent!), or making a PDF from a Word document, (not least explaining such terms as PDF), Jeremy takes you through the process until he sees that you have it mastered, then monitors you through it, doing so with a patience that takes into account technical duffers as thick as yours truly.

Then there is the matter of supplying equipment, both physical items, like laptops, and programmes of every sort: I’d be very surprised to find any other tutor/dealer who could supply them at such reasonable terms.

But with the whole field, trust is vital, and in that I have time and again found Jeremy cannot be faulted.

Whether it’s to instruct you in the basics, or delve into the most arcane areas of computing, I can without fear or favour, recommend Jeremy to anyone out there.